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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Where Is Your Faith?

What should we place our faith in? In our church denominations? Our elders? The popular television ministries?

Today prominent ministries, prominent preachers and denominations are being swayed by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14), such as the inclusion doctrine that teaches two ways to enter Heaven: one, by accepting Jesus Christ and two, by being good.

We cannot be good enough to enter Heaven on our own. That is why Jesus died and rose from the dead. According to the Word of the Living God, only by grace are we saved. It is a gift, lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9).

With prominent Christians being swayed by the wind of doctrine, what should we place our faith in that will keep us from following in their footsteps?

We must put our faith, our trust, in God and His Word. God and His Word are the only things that will guide us in times of trouble, in the face of confusion and indecisiveness on the part of our leaders.

God's Word is the most sure Word (II Peter 1:19). Every word of the Bible is inspired by our God (II Timothy 3:16). It is our instruction manual on who we are, what we can have and what we can do in Christ. It tells us how to be saved and go to Heaven (Romans 10:9-10). This is the Book on which we need to base our entire lives, our every decision.

When preachers speak, we must compare their messages with the Word of God. Do they line up? Are the messages the whole truth or half of the truth? Or are they truth mixed with conjecture and opinion?

We need to compare every thing in our lives to the Bible. If it doesn't line up, toss it, get rid of it.

Where should we place our faith?

In the stock market? The stock market has a lot of ups and downs. Without research and a trained professional on our side, we could lose our shirts.

Placing our faith or money in the stock market will only disappoint us and will never bring us real joy and happiness.

It might make us happy for a while, but the feeling won’t last. Like most other addictive behaviors, we will need money and more money to get our fix.

Should we put our trust in our pastors and leaders? Pastors and leaders are only human.

With the amount of preachers and teachers that are being paraded through the news for their personal crises, from divorce to infidelity, it’s hard to look to them as our shining beacons of integrity. If we put our trust in men or women, they will fail us.

People, places and things will fail us, but there is Someone who will never fail us, and that’s God (Hebrews 10:23).

God and His Word are our only guarantees. Any time we receive a prophecy, or a message, from a person of God, we would be wise to go to God. Ask God for a confirmation on that word.

Then later on, if that person of God does something to ruin his credibility, we can continue standing on that word. We know it wasn’t just a word from Pastor So-and-So. We know it was a word from Almighty God.

It is important to confirm every thing we hear with God and His Word. This way we will not be blown away by every doctrine that becomes popular among the elite. We won’t be tossed about by the doctrinal fads that the preachers invent to popularize their ministries.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). It is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).

How do we increase our faith? The Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

In order to build our faith, we can hear the Word of God from preachers and teachers. We can hear it through anointed preachings on CDs and videos, but we can also hear it by listening to ourselves speak God’s Word out loud.

I have a list of Scripture-based confessions that I speak aloud every morning. Hearing myself confess the Word of God over my life builds faith.

In addition to confessing the Scriptures, the Word of God says in Jude 1:20 that praying in the Spirit builds ourselves up in the most Holy faith.

It is essential that we believe that we receive what we are confessing (Mark 11:23). If we just confess and don’t believe, we are speaking, but there is no real power behind it. We need to believe in the promises God has given us in His Word.

No matter how many people tell us that it didn’t happen for them. No matter how we feel. No matter what comes against us. We must believe that God will do what He said He would. No matter what. Period. End of story. It could take weeks, months or years, but we have to believe that what God promises, He will do.

If we don’t believe in God’s promises, then they won’t be activated in our lives. It will be unto us according to our faith (Matthew 9:29).

We need to believe in God’s promises and confess them every day. If we believe we receive them, then we shall have them (Mark 11:23). It is as simple as that. Amen!

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